When we’re not lounging on a Florida beach in the hot sun or gallivanting the globe, we love to hike locally. Local, to us, is anything within a few hours’ drive of Seattle. One of our favorite local activities is hiking in Olympic National Park. It’s such an interesting place, with beaches, lowland rainforests, snow-capped peaks, and sweeping views from terrifying ridges. If you’re visiting Seattle hiking Hurricane Ridge is a great idea as it’s one of the closest access points to the Park.
I think most people in the Pacific Northwest will tell you that no visit to the Seattle area is complete without going hiking. There are tons and tons of options, but we truly prefer and will direct visitors to either Mt Rainier National Park or Olympic National Park. Both can be done as day trips or long weekends. Since we’ve always lived closer, we more often go hiking in Olympic National Park, and hiking at Hurricane Ridge is unforgettable every time.
Note: on May 7, 2023 the Day Lodge / Visitor Center at Hurricane Ridge in Olympic National Park burned down. There is no estimated timeline for its reconstruction. The National Park Service has a lot of experience in creating temporary spaces for visitor information and education, so by the time peak summer visitation starts, there will be some form of interpretive space or services in place, but what that looks like may vary through the season, depending on visitation and weather.

Need to Know for Planning a Visit to Hurricane Ridge
Although Hurricane Ridge is the closest entrance of Olympic National Park to the cities of Seattle and Port Angeles, it’s still not developed in the way that Glacier or Yellowstone National Parks are. There is very poor (if any) cell service at the tops and there are minimal services.
Once within the park boundaries in this area, the only services are found at the Visitor Center on the Ridge (burned down May 7, 2023). Here you’ll find park rangers, a small gift shop offering sweatshirts and a few snacks, and bathroom facilities. It is NOT a comprehensive place like Old Faithful or the main Zion National Park Visitor Centers.
The point of all this: be prepared for your visit to Hurricane Ridge. Bring you own food, bring refillable water containers, bring jackets no matter what season, and be ready to be a smart hiker exercising safety as you go.

Where is Hurricane Ridge?
As you’re driving on Highway 101 looping around the Olympic Peninsula, you must go through Sequim and Port Angeles. Although the towns themselves might not grab your eye immediately, they’re worth investing a day in…but we’re talking about hiking, not playing tourist.
So, you’re driving through downtown PA and you see a sign for Hurricane Ridge and you turn. You instantly start heading up hill. You’ll wind past the Port Angeles Olympic National Park Visitor Center, up through a few tunnels and keep going up out of the forest.
Note: currently this is the only visitor center available for those heading to Hurricane Ridge due to the fire at the Hurricane Ridge Day Lodge at the top of the range.

All of the sudden you’re driving on the side of a mountain with little to no shelter and you keep going up. Eventually the road flattens out and you’re in a parking lot on the top of the mountain. It’s one of the most beautiful National Park roads to drive.
Note: Hurricane Ridge is one of the areas of Olympic National Park that has a fee to access. If you have the National Parks Pass/Interagency Pass/Access you’ll be covered, otherwise it is $20+ to drive through the gate.

Getting to Hurricane Ridge
Hurricane Ridge is located about 3 hours northwest from Seattle on the Olympic Peninsula. You’ll need to take the Edmonds-Kingston ferry or the Seattle-Bainbridge Ferry and drive up the Peninsula to get to the park. You can also drive around Puget Sound to go up the Peninsula. Plan on traffic through Tacoma though and check traffic patterns before you hit the road. Even though it takes some time to get there, this is one of the best day trips from Seattle!
Tip: if you’re taking the ferry, be sure to look at return ferry times so that you don’t get stuck somewhere late at night or have to sit through several boats on busy weekend days.
Entry into Olympic National Park
Since the hikes are in Olympic National Park, you’ll need to bring money for the entrance fee. The entrance costs $30 for a private car, $10 for bicycles or walk-ins, and $25 for motorcycles. This fee lasts for seven days, so make the most of it if you plan on doing multiple hikes.
Tip: get a National Parks America the Beautiful annual pass to save on future visits. It only takes three National Park visits in a year to make up the value!
Once you enter the park, it’s smart to check in with a ranger at the information center. They can give you any essential updates you need to know on hikes, such as any closed trails or recent wildlife sightings. Rangers can also listen to your plan and let you know if that sounds realistic.

Best Hiking at Hurricane Ridge
One of the most scenic hiking areas on the Olympic Peninsula is Hurricane Ridge. Located on the north side of Olympic National Park, this area gets its name from the hurricane-type gusts that can happen (up to 75 miles an hour!). There are nearly a dozen different trails you can choose from for hiking Hurricane Ridge, depending on your skill level and the view you want. Here is some helpful information for choosing the best trails at Hurricane Ridge and making a great day trip of it!

There are eight different hikes you can do at Hurricane Ridge. Here is a list of the trails from easiest to hardest:
- Big Meadow: Any skill level can go on this wheelchair-accessible trail, which has an elevation gain of 50 feet and is 1/2 mile round-trip. You’ll be able to get some good pictures of the mountains at the end of this trail.
- Cirque Rim: Another trail that allows wheelchairs, this is one-mile round-trip and has a 50-foot elevation gain. You’ll be able to see the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the town of Port Angeles on a clear day.
- High Ridge: This one-mile round-trip hiking trail leads to Sunrise Point, where you’ll have a panoramic view of the area. This has approximately 220 feet of elevation gain.
- Hurricane Hill: This trail is popular, as it’s 700-foot elevation gain lets you see the ocean. At 3 miles round-trip, it’s still very doable for most people. (this is MY favorite trail!)
- Klahhane Ridge: You’ll gain over 250 feet in elevation within the first 3 miles on this trail and the last mile goes up to 800 feet. This is a moderately difficult hiking trail due to the steepness.
- Hurricane Hill/Elwha: You’ll take the Hurricane Hill trail and go down through the meadows to complete this 12-mile round-trip hike. There are many switchbacks and an elevation loss of 5,250-feet. Keep in mind that you have to come back up, so pace yourself accordingly.
- Wolf Creek: One of the more advanced trails, you’ll follow a dirt trail down through the Elwha Valley for a 3,772-foot elevation loss. This trail is 16-miles round-trip.
- Little River Dirt: Don’t let the “little” in this name trick you, as it’s another 16-mile round-trip hiking trail. You’ll experience an elevation loss of 4,073 feet.
Like with hiking anywhere else, remember to be wise and know your limits. Hiking Hurricane Ridge can be quite challenging and time seems to go by faster when you’re up in the Olympics. Keep an eye on the weather and amount of daylight left. Safety first!

Best Easy Hike with Kids on the Ridge: Big Meadow to Cirque Rim Trail
Doing the Big Meadow and Cirque Rim trails is a great way to enjoy Hurricane Ridge with kids. These trails are connected and very easy. You still get gorgeous views all around, but you don’t go very high or far, so you’ll have lots of other visitors on the trail.

This trail begins at the visitors center parking area and is paved for most of the loop, whichever trail you go on. Something nice about this easy Hurricane Ridge trail is the amount of wildlife you can see, even though it’s busy. From this trail we’ve seen deer, grouse and marmots. This is also a great birdwatching trail, so that’s a bonus if you’re into birding.
Note: if you are visiting during a dry summer, the grassy meadow areas will be orange and brown. Unlike the west side of the Olympics at the Hoh Rainforest, Hurricane Ridge often gets dry because the rain has already been dumped before getting up to this elevation.

Most Beautiful Hiking at Hurricane Ridge: Hurricane Hill
Hurricane Hill is my absolute favorite hiking trail at the Ridge. It’s full of wildflowers, wildlife, epic views and it’s just difficult enough that there aren’t a ton of people on the trail usually.
Starting out, the Hurricane Hill Trail is pretty mellow. It’s a wide, paved path with many benches along the way. The views are phenomenal as you start to climb and can look back across the Olympic Mountains. The valley below the trail is quite steep, so as you ogle wildflowers, be careful not to lose your balance.

The highlight of hiking the Hurricane Hill Trail really is the clouds. Because of the layout and shape of the valleys, as clouds form or roll in, they tend to make wisps and walls along different parts of the trial. It’s otherworldly, for sure. Be sure to go all the way to then end of the path, as on a clear day you can see forever. There are several spur trails you can do as well, but just remember to only use the National Park Service designated trails. DO NOT CUT YOUR OWN PATH.
To access the Hurricane Hill Trail, drive to the end of the picnic loops and you’ll find the trail head. There is very limited parking, so you may have to leave your car at either loops A or B and then walk to the trail head. On a busy day, you may even need to park at the visitors center and have a longer walk to the start of Hurricane Hill. It’s worth it though!

Best Difficult Hike at Hurricane Ridge: Klahhane Ridge trail
We like the Lake Angeles / Klahhane Ridge trail as our top pick for difficult hiking at Hurricane Ridge. It starts off mellow, providing sweeping views through mountain valleys, down to the Strait of Juan de Fuca and across to Vancouver Island and Victoria. Hiking this path is a great way to hone your trail-chops. While you’re still early in the hike, it’s very kid friendly. The climbs aren’t too steep and the path is wide. There’s even an old ski hut and ancient chair lift to provide a bit of historical creepiness.

Once you’ve been hiking for a bit you do start to climb as you ascend to the Klahhane Ridge. This is where it is much LESS kid friendly. You’re in a sub-alpine forest, which means that the trees are scarce and the ones that are there are grouped in stubby little stands. You’ll find that there’s not much shade from the sun or wind, so being prepared with hats and sunblock is a must.
Tip: When you think you need a little break, take one, because that sun and wind are out to get you and zap your energy and common sense. With a narrow trail, take advantage of the wider spots you come across.
The trail continues on and the hikers become fewer. The hillsides become steeper and the trail morphs into what we’d call a cautious hike. Big kids are fine probably, but little kids that like to run or trip or not look where they’re going, need to be carefully watched or hands held.
The views change too. Instead of looking north to Canada you’re taken around the ridge for a glance at the rest of Washington State: Hood Canal, Seattle, Mt Rainier, and the Cascade Mountains. It’s breathtaking.
If you go all of the way on the trail you’re looking at 3.5 miles to Lake Angeles and twice that to the Klahhane Ridge. Just like with any hiking, be prepared and know what lies ahead. It’s a beautiful but difficult trail.

Tips for Hurricane Ridge
Hurricane Ridge is the most popular hiking destination on the Olympic Peninsula. We recommend arriving as early as possible to get parking and beat the crowds. If you cannot arrive early, late afternoon (after 2pm) is also a good time if you are planning a shorter hike.
If you are planning a weekend visit to the Ridge, you’ll want to be there VERY early or to head up for sunset. Considering that a lot of people come from Seattle to Hurricane Ridge, the bulk of visitors will arrive after 8:00 am on weekends. Space is limited in this part of the park, so you may encounter a long wait just to get through the main gate and then may struggle to find parking at the trail heads.

Obstruction Point Road: the Scariest Road in Washington
You may have heard of Obstruction Point in Olympic National Park. It’s one of the most dangerous roads in Washington State and also one of the most beautiful. I’d rate it up there with the Johnson Ridge Road at Mount Saint Helens National Volcanic Monument. A gravel road hugging the edge of one of the steepest valleys in Olympic NP, Obstruction Point is gorgeous, but very narrow. There is virtually no room to pass other vehicle along much of the 8 mile dirt road.
It’s one of the scariest roads in Washington, but if you want to do the Obstruction Point Trail (7.4 miles to Deer Park) or the Grand Valley/Lake Loop Trail (3.7 miles to Grand Lake, 4.2 miles to Moose Lake), it’s what you’ve got to take to get there. If you choose to drive on the Obstruction Point Road, be safe. You need to be 100% focused on driving, you need to drive slowly and you need to pay close attention to the width of the road, particularly if you see oncoming traffic. Be smart, be safe, enjoy!

Wildlife on Hurricane Ridge
There are several trails to choose from that all leave from the same spot. This is one of those times that we’ll tell you to go into the ranger station and see what’s up. Sometimes there are mountain goats (fewer now) or cougar warnings, so trails may be closed. Sometimes there’s been a wash out far down the trail and you won’t be able to hike to where you want.
The ranger can make a recommendation on how far is safe to go or just tell you “No, you can’t hike there today.”
The big thing though it to listen to the rangers and DO NOT go seeking out wildlife. The animals you might encounter at Hurricane Ridge are dangerous, even if they don’t seem it. These ones aren’t as docile as what you encounter in Yellowstone (which are still dangerous) and you don’t want to be a headline. There are also bears in the Park, so following all food storage and safety precautions pertaining to black bears is also a must.
Note: the mountain goats in Olympic National Park aren’t endemic, but we brought in for hunting purposes in the 1920s and are still around today. They’ve taken a toll on the Ridge and surrounding areas, so be wary of loose soil on and around trails from their pawing and such. **In 2021 a massive effort to remove the mountain goats was successfully executed. There are very few left and it’s unlikely that you’ll encounter them at Hurricane Ridge.

Despite being so high up, there is also a pretty solid deer population at Hurricane Ridge. We’ve seen them in the parking lot, out of the trails, and even at the top of Hurricane Hill. They seem calm, but just like all other wildlife, DO NOT APPROACH them.
One other fun species to look out for up on Hurricane Ridge is the sooty grouse. You’ll be walking along and hear this low thumping sound, like a cartoon rabbit in a log. That’s one of the interesting sounds the grouse makes. And we’ve seen then several times up on the Ridge.

Camping at Hurricane Ridge
The park allows camping in designated areas, so you can stay overnight if you want to explore the park for a few days. Some campsites are reservation-only, while others are first-come, first-serve. You can check the website for further information and updates on closures. FYI, since there isn’t a campground at the top, if you want to go camping while hiking Hurricane Ridge, you’ll need to look for a spot at Heart O’ the Hills campground.
There is NO CAMPING at the top. Although you’ll drive far around the winding road to the Hurricane Ridge visitors center and picnic areas, there are no campsites AT the Ridge. If you are backpacking and leaving FROM Hurricane Ridge, you’ll need to register at the larger Olympic National Park ranger station and visitor center at the bottom of the hill BEFORE you enter the park boundaries.

Picnics at Hurricane Ridge
Of course we’ll tell you about where to have a picnic. It’s us. We picnic everywhere. After hiking at Hurricane Ridge you have three great options. If it’s cold, windy or rainy, you can use the tables inside the ranger station lounge. It’s got picture windows all around and a grand fireplace. Outside of the building are picnic tables too, all with the same amazing view looking across the Olympic Mountains.
Tip: the ranger station / Day Lodge also was a Visitor Center, but its displays and information for perusing were minimal. There was a gift shop and snack shop if you needed as well, say for perhaps a dandy sweatshirt when it’s windy, but it was not the full Visitors Center facilities you may be used to in other National Parks. With its future reconstruction, there may be more educational and guest services, but at for now (May 2023) it’s unclear how the Day Lodge will be rebuilt.
For a more secluded lunch, you can pack in your picnic to the top of the ski lift area (Cirque Trail) or hop in your car and head northwest from the lot to the picnic areas just a few minutes away and down the hill a tad. There are TONS of actual picnic sites, all located within the stubby forest, and there are restroom facilities for when nature calls. Know that we’re directing you past the Visitors Center and NOT back down the hill towards the Park exit.

Hurricane Ridge in the winter
If you happen to be on the Olympic Peninsula during the winter and spring months, there is still hiking at Hurricane Ridge… in a manner of speaking. When the Olympics get covered in snow, they still do have clear days and the Visitors Center up on the Ridge is manned. During those winter months you can use designated areas for cross country skiing or sledding. It’s always best to plan for some super cold moments if you’re head up into the mountains in the winter, so be sure you’ve got your warmest coats, hats and gloves. Oh, and don’t forget your toboggan or sled.
Note: You will need to have chains available in your car even if you don’t see snow down in Port Angeles. If you’re comfortable with it, studded tires may also be approved.

Activities Near Hurricane Ridge in Port Angeles
When you’re done having an awesome day of hiking, head down into Port Angeles for some fun. There is lots of good food, there are parks and playgrounds, and it’s also where you can catch the Blackball Ferry to Victoria. Very close to Port Angeles you’ll find the Salt Creek Recreation Area as well as the Dungeness Spit National Wildlife Refuge. Both make for great add-ons or full day plans if you’re spending the weekend on the Olympic Peninsula.

Post-hiking Craft Beers: Barhop Brewing in Port Angeles
After all that hiking, you’re bound to be hungry (and a little thirsty). Many people in the Pacific Northwest knows that nothing goes better with a hike than a cold beer after, so head up to Barhop Brewing. This brewery is about 40 minutes north of the park in Port Angeles.
They have an impressive selection of beer, such as the Patio Pale, Heart of the Hills Pils, and Winterhop Imperial Stout. While there’s a handful you’ll always find on tap, they also offer rotating taps so so you can try something new each time you visit. These include the Respect Your Cranny Cranberry Blonde, Summerhop Stout, and Man Sized El Dorado Milkshake IPA.
When you’re ready for food, check out their wood-fired pizza selection. Whether you’re in the mood for a veggie pesto pizza or a meat-lover pizza, you’ll find it’s just what you need after hiking. The brewery also has appetizers such as a meat and cheese plate, mac ‘n’ cheese, and stuffed jalapenos.
Wine Tasting on the Olympic Peninsula
Another idea as you depart Hurricane Ridge is to do a little wine tasting. That’s right! The Olympic Peninsula is actually a really wonderful wine region. The easiest stops for wine tasting after leaving Olympic National Park are either Harbinger Winery or Olympic Cellars.
Harbinger Winery is located just west of Port Angeles, so is an easy stop if you’re heading to Cape Flattery or the Hoh Rainforest. It’s got both indoor and outdoor tasting space, and does a flat fee tasting. They also have small snacks available if you need, but not full food service.
Olympic Cellars is just off Highway 101 to the east between Port Angeles and Sequim. You can’t miss it. It’s a huge barn and vineyard just off the road. They close early and are really strict with their tasting times, so if it’s important to you to do a wine tasting here, get there 30-45 minutes before they close. It’s funny: the tasting room lady wouldn’t help us last visit because we were there 30 minutes prior to closing; she said a tasting would take 45-90 minutes. We laughed so hard.

Where to stay to visit Hurricane Ridge
When you live close, usually hiking at Hurricane Ridge is a day trip, but sometimes we add it to longer weekends, and if you’re visiting from the Seattle area it makes sense to make the trip longer.
There is camping in this part of Olympic National Park at the Heart O’ the Hills campground. The sites are not the biggest you’ll find in a National Park, but the campground is quite mossy and beautiful. As of 2017 it is fully on a first-come-first-served basis so you cannot make a reservation. If you want to make a reservation, you need to plan to camp at Kalaloch, Mora or the Hoh Rainforest campgrounds as they are the only ones that do reservations.
Another great option for lodging is staying either in Port Townsend or Port Angeles. Fort Worden in Port Townsend has some really cool accommodations in the old barracks that have been remodeled. We have also enjoyed staying at a really nice bed and breakfast in Port Angeles called Domaine Madeleine. Both are cool spots for a few night and both are very family friendly.

As you can see, we really enjoy hiking at Hurricane Ridge and taking advantage of all of the beautiful spots around the Olympic Peninsula. Olympic National Park is best experienced on a weekday in the summer, as our fall storms here in the PNW can be just gross and, well, there’s a reason Hurricane Ridge is called that: it’s crazy windy up there. Plan your trip wisely and you’ll have a great time hiking at Hurricane Ridge and seeing why we love to call this place home.
We hope you enjoy your time hiking Hurricane Ridge. If you have any questions or addition suggestions for the Hurricane Ridge entrance to Olympic National Park, please leave a comment or contact us. We love to share complete information and feature others’ recommendations as well!
Want to pin this for later when you’re planning your summer hiking? Go for it!

Monday 25th of April 2022
Hi there, During my searches, I ended up reading you're whole article about the hurricane ridge. Thank you for sharing! We hiked hurricane ridge 2 years ago and we would like to go again but we're wondering if it's possible to do a multi day hike there? Including backcountry camping. And if so, any recommandation or where I could find more info? Can't seem to find clear information...
Thank you!
Tuesday 26th of April 2022
Hey there! Thank you for the question! So, you do need to get a wilderness permit in advance as well as a wilderness campground reservation (available 6 months out). https://www.nps.gov/olym/planyourvisit/wilderness-reservations.htm From Hurricane Ridge there are a few options for wilderness camping: Heather Park and Lake Angeles are both available, but they are one day hikes. For the more out-there spots, you'll want to plan to hike out of the Elwha area, then you'll actually have 5 or 6 wilderness camping options. This map is helpful for seeing what's available and where to begin: https://www.nps.gov/olym/planyourvisit/wilderness-map.htm Good luck, and have an awesome time!
Chris Taylor
Wednesday 31st of July 2019
I love hurricane ridge! We also used to go sledding at the ridge every winter, which is my favorite time of year in the ridge. But, summer hiking is also amazing!
Alexa Meisler
Monday 31st of July 2017
Love that you gave options for the entire year. I also think i had that same backpack. I remember hiking around with my son on my back. Such great memories!
Travel Imagez
Sunday 30th of July 2017
Hi first time visitor here. First of all, i love the concept of this blog and your the motto on your header. Kids should be really exposed to this kinds of activities! LOoks like your toddler enjoyed their time there! Great photos as well. I’d love to encounter mountain goats as well. There are not so many places where you can easily see then (unless you’re on a helicopter).
Ashley Smith
Sunday 30th of July 2017
Well... mountain goats and cougar warnings are EXACTLY why I'd love hike there! :) I've always wanted to do some hiking out in your area--what a perfect day that looks like! Love the video :)