Safe Storage of Travel Products: kid safety on the road
When we are traveling with the kids we typically have all kinds of products with us, from toothpaste to bug spray. Safe storage of our travel products is important, and …
When we are traveling with the kids we typically have all kinds of products with us, from toothpaste to bug spray. Safe storage of our travel products is important, and …
Minding after your own health and happiness is incredibly important. Happiness, even in small doses, leads way to productivity which in turn frees up time for family, which brings more happiness and better mental health. Taking care of yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can give your family and friends. Minding after your own health and happiness is incredibly important. Happiness, even in small doses, leads way to productivity which in turn frees up time for family, which brings more happiness and better mental health. Taking care of yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can give your family and friends. Self-care isn’t selfishness at all.
As parents who travel with kids constantly, we’re in all kinds of places throughout the year, including airports and train stations during cold and flu season. It’s rare that our …
Starting out on our worldschooling adventure was more than just the decision to homeschool, but it was also figuring out what we’d be using for curriculum and technology. Homeschooling resources …
A while ago we wrote an article and shared our thoughts about whether or not we would be homeschooling the kids or enrolling them in conventional public school. With all …
Over the last several months we’ve been really fortunate to partner with Huggies and to learn about and share so much regarding caring for families and giving back to the …
Since we’re a part of the Huggies Parent Council, we’ve gotten to share some pretty cool programs that help families all over, from supporting NICU nurses to the National Diaper …
A few weeks ago we shared some stories of our friends who have spent time in the NICU working with NICU nurses as part of our partnership with Huggies. We …
We’re taking a break from sharing about travel to share something completely different and for the people involved, infinitely more impactful. We’ve partnered with Huggies to share a few stories …
When the family goes camping, nobody exhibits more enthusiasm, excitement and anticipation than the kids! Children not only see this as an adventure, but they like the idea of spending …
This post about summer travel packing and family friendly kid products is sponsored by Johnson’s Baby, one of our staple brands at home and on the road. Summer is totally …
Our notes here about saving for the future originally appeared on, which is a great resource for families and same-sex couples looking to take the plunge into parenthood. Recently, …
Well, Thanksgiving came and went in a flash which means that it’s time to wrap up our year… but not before we do our one and only Christmas tradition: doing …
Following the shocking election of Donald Trump in the United States in 2016, our minds started been spinning out of control of what to do to ensure progress doesn’t slip …
Since summer keeps us going going going we are always a tiny bit excited for fall. Fall is the perfect time to chill for a bit (for at least three …
September means something different for every family. Most parents (and kids) are totally in school mode, but not us. We’re still in the days of enjoying the last weeks of …
Every year we get together with our family for a big family reunion trip. Hold up, that’s a vague statement because our family is enormous. We get together annually with …
We travel a lot, right? Do you ever wonder what actually sticks with kids and makes a lasting impression? When you’re planning your own vacation, do you seriously talk to …
We’re always sharing the positive side of family travel and being two dads, right? Every now and then we add a dose of reality by looping everyone in on what …
Being a dad is the coolest thing ever. You get to teach your kids about bugs and cooking and building things and art and hiking and so much more. While …
Omagoodness. Have you ever been to a children’s museum? We have been to a couple children’s museums and I’ll tell you, they can be a bit stressful. The stress is …
Family travel is just different from business or solo travel in general and if you’ve never gone traveling with kids this all might seem very foreign to you, but that’s okay. Let us enlighten you as to what checking into a hotel with kids is actually like and why we feel the need to share family travel tips about it.
Originally written for When people ask us where our favorite places to return to for family travel are, we’re pretty quick with our answers: Cabo San Lucas, Disneyland, Georgia/Florida… …
Before we had two kids, we were bold with our travel choices. We could throw caution out the window and road trip through rural Mexico and get stopped and searched by armed military. We could visit friends in San Francisco and stay out until 3am. We could trek through Canada in the frozen winter… but now we don’t. Gay travel was whatever we wanted it to be. We still travel, but now we think about the little people who piggyback on our trips.
Having two dads isn’t the norm. It’s true. But gosh, it would be nice if we ran into more families like ours out there. We do what we can to …
What makes gay family travel so different from Straight family travel? It all really comes down to how you feel and how you feel the world perceives you.
Holidays are a strange phenomenon. And planning Fathers’ Day with two dads can be a real headscratcher. But I have some ideas for a stellar fathers day that the whole family can enjoy.
Being a gay family comes with certain mindsets. We do our best to be aware of where we go and read the vibe of how we are received. We have had a few less than great experiences and tons of great ones. We are never willing to let the possibility of opposition stop us from taking our kids to explore the world!
Back in 2009 Our lives changed forever. We Never really thought about it, but parenthood was offered in the form of surrogacy and we jumped at the opportunity to become two travel dads!