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1 Day Workshop: Building Beneficial Partnerships w/ Influencers, Bloggers & Content Creators

You know how there are bloggers and photographers sharing their favorite places and products all around the internet? Did you ever wonder  Influencer Marketing, or IM, seems like a daunting mystery to many and that’s why we’ve created the Building Beneficial Partnerships workshop. 

See alsoEngaging Influencers – 2 day workshop

What to expect from Building Beneficial Partnerships

Building Beneficial Partnerships is a one-day workshop bringing together brands, businesses and bloggers. Led by Rob Taylor, founder of 2TravelDads and Paddle Your State and the Explored family of sites, the workshop covers the basics (and some advanced subject matter) of working with regional outlets and micro-influencers.

Participating in the one-day Building Beneficial Partnerships workshop, you’ll leave with knowledge, new content planning ideas, and goals for placement within a variety of marketing outlets. Expect the following from the workshop:

  1. gain an understanding of Influencer Marketing (IM) holistically
  2. plan for creating a budget for IM and regional placement
  3. understand the basics of content planning
  4. goal setting for target marketing
Rob Taylor Headshot 3 small

Building Beneficial Partnerships workshop itinerary

While we will form and update final workshop plans per the request of the hosting brand or destination, the following is the general schedule and subject matter of the Building Beneficial Partnerships workshop. Depending on the projected size of the workshop (no more than 30) or by request of the sponsoring entity, additional content creators or marketing specialists may present different parts of the workshop. It’s always best to have diverse experience when running sessions focusing on content marketing and placement.

Here’s the plan for the one-day workshop:

  • Welcome / Meet-and-Greet: open mingling time to connect with new faces and get comfortable
  • Introduction to Regional Outlets & Influencers – why you’re taking the leap and understanding what the job of an influencer actually is
  • Budgeting for Influencer Marketing – why and how to allocate budgets
    • this is a hands-on session with OPEN DISCUSSION. Participants should be prepared to share their experiences and concerns.
    • bringing a high level version of your operating budget is recommended for personal use (not to share)
  • Building an Outlet plan – defining your goals and creating a Scope of Work (SOW)
    • this is a hand-on session following the process presentation
    • be prepared with basic data re: current customer base/reach, desired impression demographic, example of current/past marketing plan
  • Engaging Influencers –  presenting and soliciting your IM plan to an influencer or regional outlet
  • Closing event – last function together, time to connect with those you haven’t met yet

End of workshop. Evening plan to be determined in partnership with hosting destination/sponsor. We recommend a group event to encourage continued discussion and keep the momentum going!

To get a preview of the workshop content, please feel free to check out our online series. This is some of the content we cover in our Building Beneficial Partnerships workshop, and we’re happy to share it to get the ball rolling for you.

Follow up to Building Beneficial Partnerships workshop

After a day of intense discussion and beginning plans, participants in Building Beneficial Partnerships may want or require additional support to take their next steps towards engaging outlets in coordination with their newly formed plan.  Should participant request consultation or support, we’re happy to discuss that further with individuals.

Whether you would like us to vet influencers or create and run a campaign, we’re happy to do so. You should feel empowered and have gleaned the needed skills to start down a new marketing path after the Building Beneficial Partnerships workshop, but like we always tell our kids “if you need help, just ask!” 

Booking and planning an Building Beneficial Partnerships workshop

Are you ready to have your team participate in a workshop? Great!  Here’s what we need to do next:

  • evaluate the team, group or association you would like to experience our Building Beneficial Partnerships workshop
  • download and complete THIS FORM, returning it to
  • expect follow up within 2 business days to discuss workshop dates, expectations and agenda planning

As you consider who you want to participate in this workshop, know that any size group from 10 to 30 is good. The more, the better, as that will provide greater opportunities for sharing and discussion, but also know that a small group will get more direct attention. We’ve presented to as many as 200 and as few as five.

1 Day Workshop for brands and destinations focusing on building beneficial partnerships with regional outlets and micro-influencers. From building content plans to budgeting, workshop covers the basics of altering small business and big brand marketing approaches.

Event planning for Building Beneficial Partnerships workshop

As you review our Workshop Questionnaire form you’ll see options for events in conjunction with the actual workshop.  Hosting a series of small (or large) events provides an opportunity for you to market and share your brand or destination with others in your industry or other influencers participating in the workshop. This is also an opportunity for networking and sharing best practices.

Examples of events and activations that have been successful in the past, both with Building Beneficial Partnerships and other conferences we’ve participated in, are as follows:

  • pre-workshop dinner / evening out – catered event or hosted at local venue
  • morning activities – guided hikes, simple yoga sessions, location specific craft product course (think coffee roasters and artisan bakers)
  • lunch service – this is required for all workshops
  • event dinner – both plated dinners and collaborative dining experiences are great ways to encourage participants to engage with each other while enjoying the hosting destination/brand
  • product giveaways – we operate on a zero-waste basis, meaning that we do not distribute single-use plastics or paper products that will be immediately discarded. If you are procuring product or building “swag bags” please be conscious of this, as leveraging influencers and growing marketing strategies is developing skills and reach for the better of business and humankind. Creating trash is not a part of the workshop. 🙂
  • cocktail hour / evening* – bringing in local producers of wine, microbrews, ciders, and spirits is always a hit, garnering the greatest bonus event turnouts. People love to both try and learn about locally crafted products.  *this is an alternative to a scheduled event dinner

We are happy to partner up in the planning and execution of any workshop events. Ultimately, these events are the responsibility of the hosting sponsor, but we have the skills and experience to plan and carry out these activities.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Once you’ve completed your Workshop Questionnaire, please email to

Looking forward to sharing, engaging, and learning with you and your team soon!